Sunday, December 30, 2007

This is the day that dad blessed Hallie in church. For those of you who can't tell just by looking, this is the same dress that Lisa wore when she was blessed 24 years ago! We were so excited that it was still around. It was a fun day, however dad was pretty much an emotional wreck the entire time at church. He hogged Hallie the whole time and didn't let anyone else hold her until Sacrament meeting was over. He just loves his baby girl.

Hallie has had a pretty busy holiday season. Thanksgiving and Christmas were both spent running back and forth from one Grandma's house to the other. Plus Hallie got to meet Mark and Brenda and cousin Ryker. Although she still lacks the ability to show much enthusiasm, we are certain that she loved them and was glad to meet them. Also Hallie met another special person. She just happened to be awake when Santa came to town! Lisa was awake as well and we were able to get a couple of pictures before Santa had to go creep out other people... 'er ... I mean, uh, visit other boys and girls.
Dad gave mom a DVD for Christmas that was a video of Hallie's picuters. It is posted below. It has music with it so make sure your speakers are on. Also, thanks so much for the Hallie's gifts this Christmas! She will enjoy all of it. Everyone was so generous. Thanks again. Happy Hollidays.

1 comment:

Shari Baker said... these pictures and video and ready for SOME MORE! Lisa, hope your mouth is doing better. Love you guys!